Sunday, July 22, 2012

this song popped into my head....

a dream or two
thats all i got in my head

hairy sinatra
coming to a karoke near you soon!

as long as ive got arms that cling at all.....

fuck yeah !

Sunday, July 8, 2012

when one door closes another door opens
i look forward to the future with hope and optimism
the banquet hall of love was kind to me
i stole a few meals there
stolen kisses
stolen moments
but were moments ever enough for a man with a love as big as i have?
its not about the size is what the ladies say

i sampled love
found it to my liking

i started singing about it
and suddenly i was singing all the time

suddenly i was talking to the sun and laughing with the birds
the sky was never bluer
and thats what i will hold on to
the truly beautiful crumbs of love i was able to snatch off the table
love crumbs
love crumbles from the rubble of my most recently erected love statue
i stand atop a pile of rubble
a pyramid of love
erected against impossibilities
they said it would never last
they said it would never endure
but there it sits
sure a little rough around the edges
                                                          but still a vaguely pyramidal pile of stones
the wind eats at the stones
the water takes small bites
in another few thousand years the desert will swallow it up
but now it sits there
a testament to a powerful forse that you are lucky to feel
a job then
to build this monument
to thank the universe
to show others how to get thru the bullshit and into the game of love
to show that it can be done

to save a wretch like me
wretch savers dot com
thats the newest train of thought ....

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I have the house to myself tonight and the current fantasy is she will appear magically out of the dark and see me tapping away thru the screendoor, two candleabras and the compuer providing all the light in the house. 
"what cha writing?" she asks in my current fantasy.
"i'm writing about perfect love," I'll reply
"ooh I love the candles."
"c'mere and kiss me baby, let me read you what I have so far."
she comes over and gives the writer a long passionate kiss.
hes starts reading this blog post to her and when they get to this part he tells her it is now going out live.  well, as live as i can be on this stupid blog but remember when you said youd like to lay naked on the table?  will tis table do for tonight?  would you mind if i took some time to take some notes about what is going on for those in the world not fortunate enough to have found true love?
she laughs her sexy laugh as i move the laptop out of the way, encirrcle her waist with my hands and lift her onto the table, kissing her and laying her back.  her dress slides easily up around her middle and i thank the universe that my delicous woman has once again chosen to leave her underwear at home.  i start to tease her.   

Saturday, April 7, 2012

too much time to think
love isn't about thinking
love is a physical, emotional, spiritual process
just know that when i see your smile again im mush
i tthakk the sun for dicovering your love
just know your tinkling laughter
the prelude to you pissing your pants
is the only thing that keeps me employed

ive quit jobs for far less and felt great about myself
i love that joyous moment when you no longer have to go to work
your schedule clears up
your life is your own again
i will postpone that joy for the cosmic joy i find on your lips
the feel of your skin
the taste of your breath as i take one more hit from your lungs and hold it
like a pot junkie

we have a 18th century love thing going on now
with no phone i live on love memories to sustain me
and each memory is sweeter than the next as i remember when you did that
or this
i have a souvineer or two that i touch and smile
things that once touched your skin
as i have
things that played a role in the greatest love story NEVER told
being a spy in love is only for the strong
weaker loves flame out
ours gets stronger every day
heres the latest song i sing to myself all day at work

see and hold you soon i hope!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

i saw the twinkliness again
stars crept in the window sideways and bounced off her smile
love poured from her eyes and the area where the love intersected with the star/smile was a twinkly wonderfullness
it exists in the world
this magic
this taste of forever
im so fortunate to have tasted it
and im getting addicted to the taste
not stalker, teen angst lonely fuelled young deniro in taxi driver greedy addiction
even tho she is just as gorgeous as jodi foster was to bobby d
my addiction is to the love i know she has for me
the look in her eyes
the feel of her on my lap
the sound of her laughter
the idea that my hilarity will make her piss her pants
im a sophisticated lover
im trying to get my baybee to pee her pants
my second grade lovestyle is perfect for this mission
my second grade brain is too
i still believe in the purity of love
i yearn for my next taste
and am thankful for the reminder
i knd of like her ambrisia in my mouth
i hope to taste more of her ambrosia
im an unrepentant ambrosia addict

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

just another electrically charged water bag
sloshing around
oozing towards the drain

it starts with an observed twinkliness in another water bag
the twinkliness ignites my twinkle receptors,
long thought dead,
they now dominate this water bag's system
the love virus?
i got it
the twinkly eyed flu
yeah that too
when a once inert water bag becomes ionized as i have life becomes wonderful again
instead of wonderfully sad
or tragic, what a waste of potential!
i wasnt wasting my potential
i was saving it for the right time
sheperding my resources for the right situation
waiting for a sign from the universe that this was the one
thanks universe for the sign
the same twinkling i saw in the stars i would stare at for hours on my back
when the skys were darker and i was younger
the twinkling of forever

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

walking to meet my lover in the dark
she, crouched behind a dumpster, waiting
my love is not this undignified
my love is universal, eternal
so we will wait circumstance out
we will know in our bellies what the truth is
and let the world catch up
victorian era love without requital
all about manners and breeding and impossibility
i eat impossibility for breakfast
i devour it at lunch
for dinner i usually choose the all you can eat impossibuffet
only 9.99
it smellls vauguely shakespearian
this love that infests my thoughts
it puts a spring in my step
i dont care if it seems imaginary to most people
i know what i know
i have the taste in my mouth
i love her taste in my mouth
whats a few years mean to someone who has wasted his whole life?
i finally have a real goal
a real finish line
a reason to excell
here i was being nice to the other humans
humble even
not showing off
letting them get theirs
pardon my elbow
im getting thru here,
im grabbing this bit of heaven
dont get between me and my bliss
it could get testy
watch out world im waking up!